Spezialisierte Audio / Video Software
THeater Suitcase
is based on a mobile, highly integrated PC hardware solution for interactive Audio-/Video playout in theater, show, event, museum etc.
Focus Video
The base system hardware supports 8 simultaneous video outputs. The preinstalled video software TH-S VideoEngine3D allows the simultaneous playout of up to 4 Full-HD video outs including Keystoning/Edgeblending/Scaling/Warping. The other video outputs can be used at the same time for user interface, mirroring and/or other software. The system supports up to 8 embedded audio channels within the video.
Focus Audio
With the audio software TH-S XL4 up to 36 audio channels can be played out over additional audio interfaces. With SIGMA1 the paths of up to 16 moving (live-)sound sources over 24 graphically positionable speakers can be recorded. Interactive positioning of moving sound sources in realtime can be done via iPad remote or any OSC-capable external hardware.
Cross Plattform
All software packages can be installed independently from the THeater Suicase hardware on PCs or Macs with appropriate minimum hardware specifications. The software can easily be integrated in bigger system solutions via MIDI, USB, OSC.
- - - - - Newsticker: THeater Suitcase XL and XL19 now available - - - - -
For news and further developments have a look at our News Blog page.
Please send questions and/or suggestions to info@apbtools.com.
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